With theme colors we allow you to determine the look and feel of your event website with precision. On the Site Settings screen, use the “Theme Colors” section to set these colors. On the left-hand side, there is a preview area that allows you to get an idea of what the colours will look like. There are five areas that you are able to control:
Main colors
Navbar colors
Link colors
Primary button colors
Secondary button colors
The following is a walkthrough of how each block available for Event Websites is affected by the theme colors as determined on the Site Settings screen.
Attendee Registration block
If the registration form uses any Appended or Prepended fields, these use the Main Primary Color. Buttons which move the user forward in the registration process use the Primary Button Colors whereas buttons to return to a previous stage use the Secondary Button Colors.
Advanced Session Schedule block
The navbar—where session dates are displayed—uses the Main Primary Color for the selected date and the Main Secondary Color for non-selected dates. The left-hand timeline, “At a Glance” toggle, and Filters also use the Main Primary Color. The “Reset All” filters button uses the Link Colors.
When opening a session modal the Main Primary Color determines the color of the event date and time, event location, and—if using the Evergreen theme—the border of the modal. The buttons to watch session content and the “Session Materials” button use the Link Colors.
A visitor who has not yet registered will see the “Sign in to Schedule” button in the Main Secondary Color. If a registered attendee has not yet scheduled a session the “Add to Schedule” button will also use the Main Secondary Color. If the attendee is scheduled the color of the “Remove from my Schedule” button will be in the Main Primary Color.
Session Schedule block
The navbar—where session dates are displayed—uses the Main Primary Color for the selected date and the Main Secondary Color for non-selected dates. The “Time Header” uses gray color. The search bar field border uses the Main Primary Color, as does the border of session modals (if using the Evergreen theme).
Speakers block
Social sharing links attached to a Speaker Profile appear as icons using the Link Colors. The “Back” buttons on the Speaker modals use the Secondary Buttons Colors.
Video and Video Gallery block
The “Play” icon uses the Main Primary color.
Speaker/Sponsor/Exhibitor Application blocks
If the application form uses any Appended or Prepended fields, these use the Main Primary Color. Buttons use either the Primary Button Colors or the Secondary Button Colors.
Blocks that use the Primary and Secondary Buttons
The following blocks have buttons that use either the Primary Button Colors, Secondary Button Colors, or both.
Card Row block
Feature Content block
Event Information block
Image Highlight block
Sponsor block
Exhibitor block
Blocks that are not affected
The following blocks are not affected by the colors set in the Theme Colors section of the Portal Site Settings.
Image block
Heading block
Text editor block
Raw code block
Spacer block