The Event/Session Listing block is a “content block” (a widget or element used by Attendease’s website CMS) that is only available for use on a portal website. This content block dynamically displays information about published events and/or sessions hosted by a particular account and displays them in one of three layouts: a list, a calendar, or a card row.
Selecting a layout
To select a layout for your Event/Session Listing block, navigate to your portal website CMS.
How to navigate to a portal and Event/Session Listing block
How to navigate to a portal and Event/Session Listing block
You will find this on your Organization/Business Unit dashboard. Select the Website tab from the left sidebar menu. If this tab is not present—and you are subscribed to a Business or Enterprise plan—please contact your CSM or to enable it.
Next, from the Site Manager screen, select a page of your portal website to edit.
On the Page Editor screen, identify whether an Event/Session Listing block is already present on the page. You can do this by hovering your cursor over each content block/section and selecting the edit icon from the top right-hand corner and confirming the title of the block.
If the page you are editing does not have an Event/Session Listing block, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Add Block” button. You can add an Event/Session Listing block from the “Portal” section. From this modal you can select the layout you wish to use.
Note! A portal webpage cannot have two Event/Session Listing blocks on the same page.
If an Event/Session Listing block is already present on the page you can change the layout by opening the editor and choosing a new layout from the “Layout” dropdown.
Card Row Options
Controls the card title colour
Controls both the body text of the card and event/session date if you enable it
Controls the card background colour (to change the block background colour go to the Display Options tab instead)
Other Options
Show Event/Session Description - Display/hide event or session description
Show Event/Session Thumbnail - Display/hide the thumbnail image (you can use the Card Row View without images). Learn how to set a thumbnail image.
Show Card Button - Display/hide a button which will link to the associated event website or session profile page (depending on the context). With this option unselected enabled the entire card is clickable.
Show Metadata Label - Display or hide label(s) reflecting the metadata/filter(s) used to tag the event/session.
Additional Options
Filters Position - There are two layouts available for displaying filters (which are set by using metadata). The Top Bar layout is best when using a single filter. The Sidebar layout is best when using multiple filters.
Cards Per Row - Number of cards to display per row.
Rows Per Page - Number of rows of cards to display per page.
6. This section chooses which metadata filters will be visible and selectable by viewers of your portal. Make sure to click "Add Filter" to insert your choices. See this article for more detail.
7. This section chooses which metadata filters will be pre-set to on first landing at the page, should you want that. Make sure to click "Add Filter" to insert your choices.
This image shows which of the above options change which piece of text colour.
To change #8, go to the Display Options tab rather than the Card Row View layout options.