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Event Listing
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

Use the Event Listing block to display all events that belong to an organization or business unit on the corresponding Event Portal Site. Choose between a list or calendar view. By default, the Event Listing block will display all published events within its organization that are current or have not yet started. Events that have ended will not be displayed.

In list view, events are listed chronologically by start date, with the soonest event listed first and subsequent events listed in ascending order.

Add the Event Listing block by selecting the "Add block" button at the bottom of the Page Editor screen. Once you've added the Event Listing block to a page (or before you add it to a page) you can configure a number of settings:


Background colour
Click the colour swatch to select a background colour for the event listing section.

Font colour
Select the colours swatch to select the primary font colour for the event listing section.

CTA button text
Customize the text displayed on the CTA button next to each event profile. This CTA button will link to the event site.

Search results header
Customize the text displayed above the search results.

Online event title
Customize the text displayed in the "Location" column when the event is an online event.

No events found message
Customize the text displayed when there are no events that could be found based on

  • the default settings of the block

  • the search parameters entered by the user

Loading image
Link to a secure image (must use https:// protocol) that will appear when the block is loading search results. For best results choose an animated gif - commonly a "spinner" is used to indicate loading. Search for "loading gif" on Google to find a number of different options.

Display Options

Display format for events
Choose if you want to display ongoing and upcoming events in a list or calendar view.

Time zone
From this drop-down menu, you are able to choose in which time zone sessions are displayed on the Event Listing block. Choose between only displaying the sessions in the event's time zone, displaying them only in the attendee's time zone, or give your attendees the ability to choose themselves.

Days of the Week Display Format (when in Calendar view)
Customize how you want the days of the week in the Event Calendar to appear. Select the label format from this drop-down menu.

Show Option to Highlight Certain Events
Display an option in the sidebar menu to highlight recently added or recently updated events. Select the colour you wish each of these options to use for a highlight. When enabled, this feature will allow users viewing the calendar to highlight events based on the timeframe they select (ie. "In the last week" or "In the last month").

Show File Downloads for Events (in Calendar view)
Choose if the files uploaded in the Event Details section of the event can be viewed and downloaded when viewing the event details in the calendar.

Show Past Events
Choose to display events that are over. You can select a preconfigured timeframe based on the start date of the event or select a specific date after which past events should be displayed.

Event Title and Date/Time Display Options & Order (when in List view)
Select whether the column for "Date/Time" appears to the right or left of the "Event Title" column.

Show event description (in List view)
Choose to show/hide the event description. This is dynamically added from the "Description" field on the Event Details screen under the Event tab.

Show Event End Date if Multi-Day Event (when in List view)
If there is a multi-day event select this checkbox if you want both the start and end date to appear in the event listing.

Allow people who are logged in to Request Event
When enabled, signed-in Members of your Organization can request to add an event to the Event Portal Calendar. Events will be added to the calendar after approval and setup have been completed.

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