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Portal Theme Colors
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

With theme colors we allow you to determine the look and feel of your portal website with precision. On the Site Settings screen, use the “Theme Colors” section to set these colors. On the left-hand side, there is a preview area that allows you to get an idea of what the colours will look like. There are five areas that you are able to control:

  • Main colors

  • Navbar colors

  • Link colors

  • Primary button colors

  • Secondary button colors

Event Portal

The following is a walkthrough of how each block available on the Event Portal is affected by the theme colors as determined on the Portal Site Settings screen.

Event Listing block (in Calendar view)

Mini Calendar
Icons, active date, and header text use the Main Primary Color

Main Calendar
The header background uses the Main Primary Color and the icons use the Main Secondary Color. The name of the month and the selected day/week/month are always displayed in white font. Other text, e.g. weekday name and numbers are configured in the Typography section, which can also be found on the Portal Site Settings screen.

Other areas

  1. The “Subscribe” button uses the Primary Button Colors - the “Copy” button on the modal that appears uses the Secondary Button Colors

  2. The “Request Event” button uses the Primary Button Colors

  3. The "Print/PDF" button uses the Secondary Button Colors

  4. Buttons on modals—e.g. when viewing the details of an event—use the Primary Button Colors

  5. If you are using the Evergreen theme, modals have a border, which uses the Main Primary Color

Event Listing block (in List view)

  1. Pagination icons use the Primary Button Colors

  2. “Request Event”, “Go to Event”, and “You are registered” buttons use the Primary Button Colors

  3. The "Print/PDF" button uses the Secondary Button Colors

  4. Event Title uses the Main Primary Color

My Events Listing block

  1. “Go to Event” button use the Primary Button Colors

  2. Event Title uses the Main Primary Color

The “Play” icon uses the Main Primary Color

Blocks that use the Primary and Secondary Buttons

The following blocks have buttons that use either the Primary Button Colors, Secondary Button Colors, or both.

  • Feature Content block

  • Image Highlight block

  • Card Row block

Blocks that are not affected

The following blocks are not affected by the colors set in the Theme Colors section of the Portal Site Settings.

  • Image block

  • Heading block

  • Text block

  • Raw code block

  • Spacer block

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