Events are valuable for so many reasons. One of the main reasons is the ability to network with others. Whether it's sharing ideas with like-minded people, discovering prospective customers or new products, interviewing potential employees or meeting future employers, networking offers a massive benefit to your event attendees.
Enter Attendease Attendee Networking! Based on your Attendease plan, you can now have the ability to allow your attendees to enter their public profile information as part of their registration, let them decide whether or not to be discoverable, and then give them the ability to discover one another via your event website.
Note that once the Networking feature is turned on for your organization, it will be enabled for all of your organization's events.
Add Public Profile Fields to your Registration Form
In order to capture the public profile information that attendees share with others, there are four public profile fields you can drag onto your event's default registration form:
Social Profile Widget (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
Job Title
Profile Photo
Once added to your form, registrants can fill these out either while they are completing their initial registration or afterwards via their account screen when logged into their account.
Company and Job Title can be set as required fields, but the others cannot.
Registrants will also see some additional checkboxes on the registration form that allow them to indicate whether or not they would like to share their profile with others and, if so, whether or not they would like to make their email address publicly visible as well.
The Registration Form
The following shows what the above fields would look like to your attendees if you added all the public profile fields to your registration form:
The Networking Page
When an attendee is logged into the event website, they will see a "Networking" button, which takes them to the Networking area to discover other attendees that have opted to share their profiles.
On the Networking page, attendees can paginate through a list of all of their fellow attendees. Each listing will display whatever information the attendee provided during their registration with clickable social icons as well as a clickable email icon for those who decided to make their email address public.
The search field allows attendees to filter the public attendee list by name, company or job title, and the "Public Profile" toggle allows the attendee to change whether or not their profile is publicly viewable on this page by others.