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Contact Lists

Create contact lists to manage contacts for email blasts and restricting access to registration.

Troy Kasting avatar
Written by Troy Kasting
Updated over a week ago

You can create account-level contact lists to organize contacts for use with email blasts or to restrict registration to a particular group. To add a contact list, navigate to your organization or business unit dashboard and select the Contact Lists menu item.

Create a Contact List

From the Contact Lists screen, select Add Contact List. You will be presented with modal where you can enter a name for your contact list and then select Add.

Adding Contacts

Next, select the Add Contacts button. You'll be able to add contacts by upload a CSV file or by entering them one by one. At a minimum, you'll need to include values for First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. You can also choose to include a Mobile Number which can be used for the SMS Blast feature.

Contacts added to a contact list will appear in a paginated list with a search field.

Leveraging a Contact List for an Email Blast

Once you have added a contact list you will see a Contact Lists option appear on the Recipients tab of an email blast, SMS blast, Private Invite, or Personal Invite. Simply select the list you wish to use and the blast will be sent to all contacts within that contact list.

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