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Module 5: Messaging

A training module focused on email blasts, invites, and email templates.

Troy Kasting avatar
Written by Troy Kasting
Updated over a week ago

1. How to Set Up an Email Blast

Quiz yourself to ensure you understood key concepts.

1. What is "Attendee Matching"?
a. Add attendees to an email blast that match criteria such as by pass or group
b. Add attendees to an email blast that have already received a particular email
c. A networking feature that connects attendees with in-app messaging

2. What file format is required to upload a list of recipients to an email blast?
a. Comma Separated Value (.csv)
b. Excel (.xlsx)
c. Both .csv and .xlsx will work

2. Set Up a Template for an Email Blast (Legacy)

Quiz yourself to ensure you understood key concepts.

1. What important action is required to update an email template with recent changes?
a. Send a test blast
b. Republish the event website
c. Changes are saved automatically. No additional action is required.

2. How many email templates are available?
a. Two
b. Four
c. Unlimited (you can create your own templates)

3. Set Up a Template for a Registration Confirmation Email

Quiz yourself to ensure you understood key concepts.

1. Where do you find the editor used to set up a registration confirmation email?
a. Registration > Confirmations
b. Messaging > Email Templates
c. Messaging > Confirmations

2. If the preview doesn't reflect your changes you need to take what step?
a. Republish the event website
b. Refresh your screen
c. Contact support

4. Personal Invites

Quiz yourself to ensure you understood key concepts.

1. What's the difference between Personal Invites and Invite-Only Registration?
a. Personal Invites can be used in combination with other registration options
b. Personal Invites can be shared and used by other registrants
c. Personal Invites and Invite-Only Registration are the same

2. Can the group a Personal Invite provides access to change?
a. No, once you send a Personal Invite the associated group cannot change
b. It depends on whether you use the Registration email template or not
c. Yes you can update the group associated with a Personal Invite after it is sent

5. Contact Lists

Quiz yourself to ensure you understood key concepts.

1. Where do you add contacts to your Contact Lists?
a. Under Messaging > Contact Lists
b. From the Contact Lists screen on your business unit dashboard
c. From an email under the Recipients tab
d. From an event under Event > Contact

2. Once you've added contacts to a Contact List where do you add them to an email?
a. Under Messaging > Contact Lists
b. From an email under the Recipients tab
c. You have to upload them with a .csv file
d. From an event under Event > Contact


1. a, a
2. b, b
3. a, a
4. a, c
5. b, b

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