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Can I export applications submitted through a Partner workflow?
Can I export applications submitted through a Partner workflow?
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

Easily export applications submitted through the Speaker, Sponsor, or Exhibitor Workflow in spreadsheet form and manipulate as needed. File exports can be opened with Excel or Numbers.

How to export application data from the Review Applicants screen

You can export applicant data directly from the Review Applicants screen. Click the Workflow tab of the Partner type you want to export—Speaker, Sponsor, or Exhibitor—and then select the Review Applicants menu item. In the top right-hand corner, there is an "Export Applicants" button which will download the data when clicked.

Select whether you want to wait or if you want the export to be emailed to you once completed. You can also access your download from the Event Exports screen for the next 24 hours.

Tip: The time it takes to finish generating a download will depend on the amount of data that exists, i.e. the more applicants you have the longer it will take. We recommend selecting the "Email me" option.

How to export application data from the Exports screen

On the Event tab, click the Exports menu item. The option to download the applicant data is located in the corresponding section. Click the "Export" button. A modal will appear asking if you would like to wait for the export to complete or if you would like to be notified via email once the download is completed.

Note: All exports that are generated are available on the Event Exports screen for 24 hours after it has been generated. After that, you must export the data again. This is so that you will always download the most recent and most accurate information.

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