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Attendease Bulk Passes

Need to sell batches of passes to attendees? Don't need to collect information for every registrant?

Michael Cawston-Stewart avatar
Written by Michael Cawston-Stewart
Updated over 9 months ago

What's New?

Attendease has always operated on a "attendance pass" system: every registrant is a unique entry in the attendee list with email address, first name, last name, etc. that will be checked in against a guest list.

Now a batch of passes, called Bulk Passes, can be sold associated with a single registrant.

The two opposing options are Group Registration, where every attendee must be registered during registration with an email as we have today, and Bulk Passes.

Is anything changing for me?

Attendease users and administrators don't need to do anything different, Group Registration will continue to function as it always has.

You can find a new option under Registration > General > Options, this option will be toggled on by default.

"Collect additional attendee personal data" is what drives the traditional Group Registration behaviour. Your event site registration will function the way it used to with this option on.

What happens if I toggle the collect additional data option off?

Turning that option off will change the way the registration block looks from this

to this bulk pass layout

A registrant can select any number of tickets up to the remaining capacity, click continue, and then enter then information as they would normally during registration.

When a person completes registration they will get multiple PDF passes in the confirmation email, 1 for each pass purchased in addition to the usual invoice. This allows for QR code check-in and for those tickets to be distributed however the registrant prefers.
Ticket PDFs look like this

How do these new bulk passes appear in the attendee record? What about in the invoice?

Tickets appear like this on the Billing tab of an attendee record (Registration > General > Attendees > Search for/Open an Attendee), and identically in the invoice.

On the Passes tab of an attendee record, things appear differently now

The bulk pass number is provided so that individual tickets can still be redeemed/attendees can still be checked in.

What about Promo codes or other discounts? How will those work?

Discount codes and volume discounts will work the way they do with passes today.

There's no change to their setup or implementation, they just apply to every bulk pass bought.

Are there any other limits to the tickets feature I might need to know?

When individual attendee data isn't collected we can't place people on waitlists, sell add-ons, or schedule bulk pass numbers to sessions.

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