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Can I Maximize my Q&A?

You can maximize submitted Q&A questions so that they appear in the full screen for attendees.

Troy Kasting avatar
Written by Troy Kasting
Updated over a week ago

You can maximize submitted Q&A questions so that they appear in the full screen for attendees. This displays audience questions more prominently, encouraging more attendees to ask and upvote questions and increasing engagement throughout your event.

Below is an example of how a maximized Q&A appears to attendees:

Only one Q&A response will display at a time. (Note: Only questions, the person who submitted it, and the number of upvotes are displayed. Answers will not be displayed.)

In this article, learn more about how to maximize Q&A questions in the Virtual Studio.

How to Maximize Q&A

  1. In the Virtual Studio, click the Q&A tab. This is located in the white panel on the right-hand side of the screen.

  2. This tab lists all submitted Q&A questions. Find the question you’d like to maximize, then select Max, as shown below. The question will appear as a full-screen pop-up for all attendees.

  3. To minimize the Q&A, select Min in the same place —or select the X button in the pop-up itself.



Maximized Q&A will show in your event recordings. You can opt out of showing maximized Q&A in your event's Configuration Dashboard. Under the Edit tab, in the Advanced Settings section, disable Show maximized Q&A in the Recording? This will have maximized Q&A not show in your recordings.

(Note: This feature is automatically enabled on.)


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