Allow Members of your Organization to request to add events to the Event Portal Calendar. Events will be added to the calendar after approval and setup have been completed.
Enable Event Requests
On the Organization level, navigate to the Website tab on the left-hand menu. On the Site Manager, select the page on which your Event Portal Calendar is on. Click the edit icon on the Event Listing block and then select the “Display Options” tab. To enable the event request functionality toggle the “Allow people who are logged in to Request Event button” to green.
Managing submitted requests
When a Member has submitted a request (as is described below) it will appear on the Event Requests screen. On the Organization level, on the Organization tab, select the Event Requests menu item.
On this screen a list of all submitted event requests alongside the name of the event, dates, location, and requester is listed. To see the full Event Request form click on the name of the event. From this screen you can Approve or Reject requests by clicking the corresponding button. Approving or rejecting a request will inform the submitter of your decision and you are able to include a custom message before sending the email.
You can delete requests at any time, although we recommend you only delete requests that have been fully processed. Select the request(s) that you wish to delete and then click the “Delete Event Requests” button.
Note: Note that this only deletes the request - it does not delete any approved and consequently created events.
Event Approval Steps
When you approve an event there are a few additional steps you must take in order for the approval to be processed. You are able to review and edit any of the fields that was filled out by the requester. In addition to this you must:
Enter an event subdomain
Select an event template
Choose an authentication method
You are also able to enter a custom message before sending the approval email to the requester from this modal.
Member experience of submitting a request
In order to submit an Event Request the Member has to be signed into their account. When they are signed in they will see an “Event Request” button on the Event Portal Calendar. When they click this it will open a modal that contains the event request form.
It contains the following form fields:
Is the event hosted elsewhere?
Event Website URL (for events hosted elsewhere)
Internal Contacts (for events hosted elsewhere)
Who is attending? (for events hosted elsewhere)
Type (live or online)
Venue Name (for live events)
Address (for live events)
Country (for live events)
City (for live events)
Province/State (for live events)
Zip Code (for live events)
Time Zone
Once the requester has filled out this form they will be notified that the request has been received and that they will hear back regarding approval. When a request is approved (as was described above) the requester receives an email informing them of acceptance.