Save time when organizing a reoccurring event by copying event configuration from another existing event.
How to copy configuration from another event
You are only able to copy configuration from an existing event when you are first creating a new event. Create a new event from your organization dashboard by clicking the "Add Event" button.
In the "Copy Data From Existing Event" section select an existing event from the drop-down menu or type in the name of the event in that field. Depending on what configuration is associated with that event you can choose which configuration you would like to be copied to your new event by selecting the relevant checkboxes.
Note: This section will only appear if there are other events in this organization. You can choose from both active and archived events.
Note: The only time you are able to copy event configuration from one event to another is when you are first creating a new event.
Select the preferences tab, then check the copy data box.
Locate the event you want to copy from in the drop down, then select the parts of that event to copy over.
Types of event configuration that can be copied
You are only able to copy event configuration that has been entered for the selected event. As an example, if you have selected an event with speaker profiles and registration forms set up - but no surveys - you will not be able to copy survey data because there is none.
The following is a list of the event configurations that you are able to copy.
Copy the automated triggers that make your integrations work. These are set up on the Automations screen on the Event tab. For more information about how to set up automations please refer to our Integrations support articles.
Email and mobile content
Copy the configuration for email layouts and mobile app content. Email layouts are configured on the Messaging tab, by selecting the Email Layouts menu item - note that data is copied from both the "General" and "Marquee" area. Mobile app content is found on the Mobile App tab under the Content menu item.
Email blasts
Copy all email blasts from an existing event. Manage, view, create new, and send email blasts on the Messaging tab.
Registration confirmations and options
Copy the configuration of the Registration Options and Registration Confirmations screens, both found under the Registrations tab.
Registration Forms
Copy all registration forms that have been set up. Registration forms are configured via the Registration Forms menu item on the Registrations tab.
Note: If the registration form you are copying differs from the global registration form the newly created event will have the same registration form as the event you have copied. In other words, copied registration form data overwrites global registration forms.
Copy all sessions, found on the Sessions screen via the Scheduling tab.
Note: If you have attached information to your session that depends on other areas you must copy that data as well. As an example, if a session has a specific speaker or filters applied to it, you must also copy the speaker and session filter data to your new event - in addition to copying the session data.
Session filters
Copy all session filters, found on the Filters screen via the Scheduling tab.
Copy speaker profiles, configured via the Speakers menu item on the Scheduling page.
Copy all general and session surveys that have been set up. Surveys are configured on the Survey tab.