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Session Slotter
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

Use the Session Slotter to build your event schedule. Before you begin working, you will need to add sessions, speakers, and rooms (if applicable).

The Schedule Slotter interface provides you with the tools to comprehensively build and manage your event schedule. To begin, select a venue (if your event has more than one) or set it to display all venues. You can control which venues are shown by selecting the venue from the view menu. From this menu you can also view a specific date, apply a filter (if you've created one), filter by speaker, search for sessions, show schedule counts, see an expanded view of your schedule, and hide the sessions column. Apply filters to highlight sessions and rooms to make schedule building faster.

Control the view of your schedule as you work The Sessions Column will display any sessions you've created. By default it will display all sessions. If you have used the view menu to refine your view this list will only display sessions that match the criteria you have set. To add a session to your schedule, simply click and drag a session from the right-hand sidebar onto the session slotter interface. Adjust when the session takes place by clicking and dragging the session instance back and forth. Extend and reduce the duration of the session by clicking and dragging the handles on either end of the session instance.

To extend the duration of the session to go past midnight, drag the handles on the right end until your reach the midnight limit. (If you do not see your schedule going this late, please ensure your day(s) were adjusted as per the previous step.) Once your session is touching the end of the day, you will see a new icon appear. Click on the clock icon.

A new dialogue box will open, allowing you to choose a new end time on the following day.

You can click upon a session to view its details.

Placeholders, located above the session column, allow you to add placeholder session instances. Simply drag a placeholder onto your schedule and adjust it by clicking and dragging it to the correct room and time. Adjust the length of the placeholder by clicking and pulling the handles on either end. Placeholders are useful substitutes if you would like to begin building a schedule but lack details required to complete all your session profiles. Placeholders are also useful if a room is unavailable for a period of time. Click upon the placeholder and rename it "Do Not Schedule" to block off a period of time.

Rooms you have created will appear in a column along the left-hand side of the Session Slotter. Each room instance will display the name of the room, the associated venue, its set capacity, and the number of constraints. When you hover over a room you'll notice a + icon appear. This adds a room partition, a feature useful for scheduling multiple, simultaneous sessions in a single room.

Note that as you begin creating your schedule you may need to scroll horizontally to view the whole schedule and that changes to your schedule are saved automatically.

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