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Export Session Schedule
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

With Attendease you can export session data to view in spreadsheet form and manipulate as needed. File exports can be opened with Excel or Numbers.

How to export session data from the Exports screen

On the Event tab, click the Exports menu item. Locate the "Session Schedule" section then click the Export button to begin generating the export.

You will be emailed the export on completion and all exports will exist as a link in the Exports menu for 24 hours.

If new exports are generated of the same type, the old export link will be overwritten and the link in the email will no longer function.

Basic session info

The basic session information data export contains the following information:

  • Session name

  • Description

  • Date

  • Start and end time, as well as session duration

  • Venue and room

  • Speaker(s)

Session info with extended stats

The session information data export with extended statistics contains the same information as the basic session info export, as well as:

  • Number of registered attendees

  • Number of people who favourited and rated the session

  • Session rating average

  • The number of people who favourited and rated a session time slot

  • Session time slot rating average

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