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Add a note to a session
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

When there are multiple people working on the schedule for one event it can be hard to keep everyone updated with the latest information or remember all the requests and feedback given for a particular session. In Attendease you can save notes directly correlating to a particular session with important instructions or questions.

Add a note

From the Scheduling tab select the Sessions menu item and then select the session you wish to add a note to. Under the "Notes" tab enter your message and click the "Post" button. Clicking "Reset draft" will erase any written text that has not yet been posted.

Note: Once a note has been posted it cannot be deleted or edited.

Tip: Only plain text is accepted in notes. Keep your message concise and don't start a conversation. Use Notes for information about time, duration, rooms, or other important aspects to help your team build and navigate the most complex schedules.

View session notes

Everyone with access will see notes on the Sessions screen and in the Session Slotter when scheduling. Easily identify sessions with notes with the "Note" icon that appears in the top right corner of the session.

When you click on a session with notes you can view any notes that have been left previously, or add new notes directly from the Session Slotter.

Note: Notes are entirely for internal use and will never been exposed to attendees.

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