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Attendee Application Workflow
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over 4 years ago

Allow your audience to apply to attend your event. Using the Attendee Application Workflow you can build an application form and add it to your event website, customize a set of emails to communicate with applicants, review submitted applications and accept or reject them.

Create Your Application Form

To begin, select the Registration tab and then the "Create Form" menu item under "Applications".

To build your application form, select form fields from the "Form Components" section and drag them onto the "Form Preview". You can move these fields up or down the form by clicking the handle on the left-hand side of the form component and moving it to the desired position.

Note: You are unable to remove the fields "First name", "Last name", and "Email".

You can add form components from any of the three tabs "Input", "Lists/Options", or "Display" to ensure you capture all of the information you need from the applicant.

Note: The information captured during the application process is not mapped to the registrant's application form. If information required for the application is also required for registration the information will have to be input twice.

Set Your Messaging

Begin by entering the emails address(es) to which notifications of new submissions should be sent. You can enter multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma.

Next you can customize the messaging present on the application confirmation (or "thanks") screen. This messaging will be presented to an applicant after they have filled out and submitted the form.

Finally, you'll want to customize the approval and rejection emails. You can make edits by using the content editor provided.

Manage the content of your Attendee Application page

Navigate to the Site Manager menu item under the Website tab. Click on the "Attendee Application" page to bring it up in the CMS. Add, remove and configure your website content blocks to your liking.

When you are ready, republish your site for your changes to take effect by clicking the "Event Website" dropdown in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard and select "Republish".

Manage how the "Attendee Application" page is discovered on your event website

Navigate to the Site Manager menu item under the Website tab. From the Site Manager you can change the page's name, whether or not to show it in your website's navigation, and whether or not to publish the page at all.

When you are ready, republish your site for your changes to take effect by clicking the "Event Website" dropdown in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard and select "Republish".

Invite Applicants

Go to the Messaging tab and draft an email blast. You’ll want to customize your email template (if you haven’t already done so) under Email Templates. Remember to publish (or republish) your site to pull the customizations into the template.

Add your email content and a link to the Attendee Application page so prospective applicants can jump directly to the application form. To find the correct URL select the Build Website menu item.

Prepare a CSV file and upload a recipient list. Once your upload is complete, schedule the email blast or send it right away.

Review Applications

Once people begin submitting applications, the email addresses you have set to be notified will receive email alerts. To review the applicants, select the "Review Applicants" menu item and select an applicant from the list.

Approving an Applicant

If you choose to approve an applicant, select the green "Approve" button.

At this stage you can choose to edit the email subject line or message for this specific email. You can also choose to include a registration link which will be added to the email and allow the applicant to jump directly to the pricing group you select.

To send the approval select the green "Send" button. Be careful, this action cannot be revoked. The applicant will received the email to let them know they are approved and will be able to register if you have included a registration link.

Rejecting an Applicant

If you choose to reject an applicant, select the red "Reject" button.

At this stage you can choose to edit the email subject line or message for this specific email. To send the rejection email select the green "Send" button. Be careful, this action cannot be revoked. The applicant will received the email to let them know their application was not accepted.

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