Add and manage speakers for your event on the Speakers screen - found on the Scheduling tab. Configure speaker information details such as name, company, and bio. You can also add a speaker's social media handles or mark them as featured.
Add a new speaker profile
To add a new speaker click the "Add" button above the list of speakers. If you have not yet created any speaker profiles, click the "Add your first speaker" button. Once a speaker has been added, their profile will appear in the list of speakers. From this list, select a speaker profile to edit and manage details.
You will see this with no speakers:
Or this if you already have speakers set up:
Key speaker information
In the first section of a speaker profile, you add information such as first name, last name, company, title, and a brief speaker bio. There is also an option to designate the speaker as featured. Marking a speaker as featured allows you to handle these speakers differently, through the public API or published schedule.
If the speaker has an email address that is linked to a Gravatar account you can add it to the "Email" field. This will link their Gravatar profile image to their speaker profile. Note that the email will not be displayed on their profile.
Order Priority
Customize speaker order on your event website by entering an Order Priority number here, 1 being the first speaker that will appear in order descending. You will also need to enable "Custom Speaker Order" on the speakers block.
Social Networks
Add links to the speaker's social media networks. You can add links to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Profile Image
There are two ways to add a speaker profile image. In the "Profile Image" section you are able to link to an image with a secure URL (i.e. with an https:// protocol) or upload an image from your computer. Don't forget to click the "Save" button.
For dimensions, a recommended image size is 1400x900 pixels, our minimum dimensions are 600x600, and the image cannot be larger than 2 mb.
The other method is to enter an email address associated with a Gravatar account and then clicking the "Save" button. If the associated account is detected, a small edit icon will appear on the profile image icon at the top of the screen. Click on the profile image icon to select the image you wish to use from the drop-down menu. Click the "Save" button again and the event site will be updated.
Company Logo
If you want to add the logo of the company or organization that the speaker is representing you can link to an image with a secure URL (i.e. with an https:// protocol) or upload an image from your computer.
Note: The recommended image size for uploaded images is 512x512 pixels, with a minimum of 150x50, and again a file size maximum of 2 mb.
Advanced Details
Publish profile
In the "Advanced Details" section you can select whether a speaker profile will be published or not. Click to check or uncheck the "Published" checkbox. By default, all speaker profiles are published when they are added.
Add additional fields to be attached to a speaker's profile. For example, an international organization may wish to include a field to indicate the office in which a speaker works or list the degrees a speaker has earned on their profile page.