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Image Highlight
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

Use the Image Highlight to add a single image with a heading, subheading, and link. Use this to create a highlight section, call to action, or advertisement.


Image Upload

Upload an image by dragging and dropping the image into the "drop zone". Alternately, click "Manually enter URL" to link to a secure, hosted image. For best results, we recommend an image that is at least 1600 by 900 pixels.

Image Description

Add an image description for accessibility and SEO.


Add a heading that will appear next to the featured image.


Add a subheading that will appear next to the featured image.

Body Text

Add a block of text that will appear next to the featured image.

Call-to-action Label

Add a label that will appear on the call-to-action button.

Add a link for the call-to-action button.


Background Colour

Click the colour swatch to select a section background colour.

Image Placement

Select if the image is placed to the left or right of the headings and text.

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