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Quick Start: Single Online Webinar
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

Here's how to set up a single online webinar in 6 steps:

1. Create an online event

When configuring a new event, select Online Event from the Event Type dropdown. This step is important—the event type cannot be adjusted after the event is created.

2. Add livestream/webinar video URL

After you’ve created an online event you’ll need to add the URL of your livestream, webinar, or virtual meeting solution. Attendease supports Youtube, Vimeo, Adobe Connect, Zoom, Bluejeans, and more.

3. Configure registration options and confirmations

To provide your audience with a quick and easy way to attend the online event you’ll want to send them a Quick Login link. This will provide instant access to anyone who has registered.

The Quick Login link can be configured to take the user to your website’s homepage or to their account screen. In this example, the video content will be presented on the homepage* so you’ll want to visit the Registration Options screen and ensure the Quick Login option to take attendees to their account screen is not checked.

*Video content can also be associated with a session.

Next you’ll want to add a Quick Login link to confirmation email. Visit the Registration Confirmations screen and under Confirmation Email select the Attendease Placeholders icon and add the Attendee Quick Login URL.

4. Go to event website and enable Watch now (on event info block and registration block)

Visit the Page Editor and ensure there’s an Event Information block on the homepage. Edit the Event Info block and from the Preferences tab enable the Watch Now feature.

5. Publish the event

After you’ve completed the set up described in the previous three steps you’ll need to finalize your registration experience and event website. Upon completion, you’re ready to publish your event website. From the Event Website dropdown in the event dashboard navigation, select “Publish”. Your website and registration will be live and video content will become available at the start time of your event (or at the start time you set on the Event Information block).

6. After the webinar is over, export attendance metrics

After your online event has concluded you can export your attendance metrics. Navigate to the Event tab, then to Exports. From here you can generate an Attendee List export. This report will allow you to measure your attendance. Simply look in the “checked-in” column in your export to see which attendees have checked in and when.

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