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General Settings
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

The General Settings screen will allow you to configure the global settings for your event site. This screen is found under the Website tab in the Event Dashboard.

From the General Settings screen you can manage:

  • Set the page width of the website

  • Add a logo to the site navigation

  • Add a custom favicon

  • Apply a background image

  • Customize theme colours

  • Customize typography

  • Configure the social media icons in the site footer

  • Configure the social share settings for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter

To see the General Settings tutorial video, please click here.

  • Add a Google Analytics tracking ID, Facebook Pixel ID, and/or LinkedIn Insights ID.

  • Customize the site title, description, and keywords

  • Add custom head and body scripts

Look + feel

The following settings can be managed from the "Look + Feel" tab.

Set the page width of the website

You have the option to set your site to be full width or use a maximum width.

Tip: If you choose to make your site full width any Featured Content blocks on the site will expand to the width of the browser and included images may become grainy unless they are a high resolution (3000px or wider).

Add a logo to the site navigation

To add a logo to the site navigation, simply upload the image under the "Logo" section on the Site Settings screen.

Note: Accepted image file formats are .jpg and .png.

Tip: For best results we recommend that the height of the logo is between 200 and 400 pixels. The width should be 300 and 1400 pixels.

Add a custom favicon

A favicon is the small logo or image that appears on the tab of your browser.

You can customize this logo by uploading a .ico image file. There are a number of ways to create an .ico file - you can use tools such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator or free online conversion services like ICO Convert.

Choose a very simple image or logo (in .png format) and scale it down to around 20x20px. It needs to be simple because any fine details will be lost when the image is scaled down to this size.

Once you have a scaled down the image/logo, convert it to a .ico file with one of the tools listed above. Finally, upload the file under the "Favicon" section in Site Settings.

Apply a background image

To add a background image, click the "Choose File" button and upload an image. This image will be repeated to fill the site's background area. If you decide to use a background image, it is recommended that you use one that is large enough to fill the entire space or one that, when repeated over and over, creates a pattern.

Note: Background images are not visible when applied to themes that are "full width" - which means that the main content area stretches fully from one edge of the browser window to the other, no matter how wide it is.

Customize theme colors

Theme colours are prominently featured throughout your website. Learn more about what theme colours are and how they affect your event and portal websites.

Customize typography

Customize the typography used on your event site by configuring the settings under the "Typography" section. You are able to set the style of four headings as well as the body type. In addition, you can set the colour of buttons and links as well as add custom fonts via CSS.

To set the style of your headings, simply select the heading you wish to customize and set the font, font size, unit of size, font weight, style (italic and bold), colour, and forced capitalization style (None, UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalize).

Body type
To set the style of your body type, simply set the font, font size, unit of size, font weight, style (italic and bold), and font colour.

Add a custom font
To add a custom font, upload or link to a CSS file containing the font details. Once you have uploaded or linked to the CSS file, select the heading or body type you wish to use the custom font. Click the "Font" dropdown menu and select "Other", then add the font name exactly as it appears in the CSS file in the "Custom Font" field. Then click the "Save Settings" button.

You are able to add a variety of different font providers. Follow these steps to use Google Fonts.


To configure the social media icons that appear in the site footer add a link to one of the fields in the "Social Media Profiles" section. Adding a link will make the corresponding social media icon appear in the site footer and link to the social profile.

Configure the social share settings for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter

When the URL of the event site is shared on social media, the platform it's shared to will display certain content such as an image, title, and description. To customize the content that is displayed, configure the Open Graph and Twitter settings.

Open Graph:
Open Graph (or OG) settings will determine what content is displayed when the site is shared on Facebook (and other platforms using the OG standard). You can add a title, description, image and URL.

Tip: Facebook recommends that you use an image that is at least 1200 x 630 pixels, but will also accept images that are 600 x 315 pixels. For more information on best practices, see Facebook's article here.

The Twitter settings will determine what content is displayed when the site is shared on Twitter. You can select card type, add a title, description, creator tag, and image.


Google Analytics

Add the Google Analytics tracking ID in this field. If you don’t know how to locate your tracking ID, click here for more information.

Facebook Pixel

Add the Facebook Pixel ID in this field. If you don’t know how to locate your Facebook Pixel ID, click here for more information.

LinkedIn Insights

Add the LinkedIn Insights Tag in this field. If you don’t know how to locate your LinkedIn Insights Tag, click here for more information.


Customize the site title, description, and keywords

Under the "Meta" tab you can customize the meta information for your event site. This information is used by search engines and browsers to provide users with information about the site.

Title Suffix:
This label will follow the page title on the browser tab the site is open in.

This will update the site's meta description which is displayed by search engines when the searched for phrase is contained in the description. Optimizing the meta description is an important aspect of on-page SEO.

This will update the site's meta keywords which are referenced by search engines. Meta keywords describe a page's content. They don't appear on the page itself, only in the page's code.


Add custom head and body scripts

Under the "Scripts" tab you are able to add custom head or body scripts. You can upload a Javascript file, link to a Javascript file, or enter you code directly into the text area. Javascript (or JS) can be used to include an analytics snippet from providers like Google Analytics (learn more here) or Adobe Analytics. You can also add an Adobe Typekit for access to many high quality fonts.

Be sure to include opening <script> and closing </script> script tags.

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