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Registration Analytics
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over 4 years ago

Registration Analytics allows event managers to harness important data points from the registration journey of your attendees. It's comprised of 2 new dashboard areas - Registration and Form Answers. The Registration Analytics screen includes 5 panels that display:

1. A summary of key event registration metrics

2. Registrations over time

3. Pass distribution

4. Group distribution

5. Pass purchases over time


Event Registration Summary

View a quick summary of the following metrics on this panel.

Total Billed

The total amount of transactions completed including pass purchases, cancellations, fees, and refunds

Passes Sold

Total passes sold including both primary and add-on passes


Total registered attendees

Event Day Capacity

Total capacity per event day (set in registration/options)

Registrations Over Time

View registrations over time by selecting the time period or add a custom date range. Hover over the graph on your desired date to view the totals for that date.

Pass Distribution

View the average pass price, passes sold, and total billed in the Pass Distribution panel. The number of each pass type purchased and percentage is detailed here.

Group Distribution

View the total attendees and the number of each group type and percentage is detailed here.

Pass Purchases Over Time

View all passes purchased over your selected date range. Each pass type is represented on the graph and you can hover over for a closer look on a specific date.

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