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Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

In Attendease you can set admin user permissions by creating "teams" and by inviting "team members". Only organization owners can create and manage teams. Owners are users that have full permissions (meaning their access to the organization is not restricted).

To see the Teams and User Permissions tutorial video, please click here.

How to create a team

On your organization dashboard, select the Teams tab on the left-hand side and then click the Teams menu item. Click the "Add a Team" button and enter the team name in the dialog box that appears. From this screen you are also able to manage existing teams by clicking on the team you want to edit.

Managing teams

In each team you can specify:

  • Who is a member

  • Which events team members can access

  • What team members are able to view and/or edit in each event, i.e. permissions


Invite or remove team members on the "Members" tab.


Team members only have access to the events that are enabled for their team, which are managed on the "Events" tab. Simply click to toggle the switch "On" for events you want to be accessible for this team. Don't forget to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button.


You can select which areas and to what degree team members can access Attendease under the "Permissions" tab. Within each area you are able to specify if the team member is able to read and write (i.e. view and edit) content in that area. Depending on the area there may be additional data to which you are able to restrict access to. Once done setting permissions for the team click the "Save" button on the bottom of the screen.

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