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Invite owners
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

You may want to create new organization owners to help manage your events. Owners have full access to all events and have full right to the organization, including:

  • Archiving the organizations and any of its events.

  • Creating other teams and managing team members (including other owners of the organization).

  • Viewing billing history and changing payment plans.

Inviting an owner

Manage and invite owners by opening your Organization Dashboard, selecting the Teams tab, and then the Owners menu item. On the left-hand side of the screen you can browse the list of all existing (if any) owners.

To invite an owner, enter their email address into the email field under the Invite Owners heading on the right-hand side of the screen. Click the "Invite" button and your invitation will be sent. The recipient will receive an email with instructions on how to open their new user account.

Inviting a user without an Attendease account

If the recipient does not already have an Attendease account, they will need to create one. The email invite they receive will contain a link to an account creation screen. Once they have created an account, they will automatically land in the organization you have invited them to.

Inviting a user with an Attendease account

If the recipient has an existing Attendease account the email they receive will contain a link to accept the invitation. When they click the link, they will be taken to their Account Details screen. From this screen, they must select the Invitations menu item where they will be presented with a list of their pending invites. Simply accepting the invitation to your organization will allow them access.

If the user is signed into the dashboard but has not yet clicked the link in the email they will see a badge next to their name in the menu with a number (indicating the number of pending invites they have).



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