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Global fields
Jamie Lubiner avatar
Written by Jamie Lubiner
Updated over a week ago

Global fields are form fields that are set up and configured on the organization level and are available to any events that exist under that organization. These fields can be used for either registration forms or surveys.

The benefits of using global fields includes:

  • Allowing the organization to dictate the precise configuration of each field so a particular question is presented and recorded consistently across all events.

  • Expediting the setup of registration forms and surveys as fields do not need to be configured, only added to the form.

Where to add and configure global fields

To set up and configure global fields, navigate to the organization dashboard and select the Fields menu item from the "Global Event Settings" section.

On the Fields screen, you have the option of adding a new global field or editing an existing one. To add a new field select the "Add field" button. If you want to edit an existing field, click to select the field you want to edit from the list on the same screen.

The primary Fields screen lists all existing fields with the following information:

  • Name - Name of the field

  • Type - The field type, e.g. select list, text input, radio list, etc.

  • Managed - Whether this field is managed by a third party application

  • Save the answer to this question to the user's account - If the field is set to remember and pre-fill form answers

  • Business units - The number of business units using this field

Create a new global field

To create a new global field click the "Add field" button on the top right-hand corner of the Fields screen. In the dialog box that appears name the field and select the field type from the drop-down menu.

Field types


  • Select list - a "drop-down" field for multiple choice questions

  • Radio list - "radio buttons" for multiple choice questions, where the user may only select one answer

  • Checkbox list - checkboxes for multiple choice questions, where the user may select more than one answer

  • Inline radio list - "radio buttons" arranged horizontally rather than vertically

  • Inline checkbox list - checkboxes arranged horizontally rather than vertically


  • Text input - text field for short answers with built-in validation for email addresses, numbers, or phone numbers

  • Appended text input - text field for short answers with predefined text at the end of the text

  • Prepended text input - text field for short answers with predefined text at the beginning of the text

  • Text area - text field for long answers

  • Country widget - drop-down list of countries - and states/provinces when applicable


  • Primary heading - large heading

  • Secondary heading - medium heading

  • Subheading - small heading

  • Help text - text


  • Third party HTML - specify an HTML endpoint to populate HTML on the form

Configure a field

There are a number of options to configure when setting up or editing a global field:

  • Name - Name of the field

  • Field type - Type of field (see above)

  • Expected input - Built in validation for email addresses, phone numbers, or numbers. This is available for text input field type only.

  • Required? - Whether this will be a required field when added to a form

  • Label - The field label the end user will see

  • Help text - Add text to help users answer correctly

  • Save the answer to this question to the user's account - When enabled this will save a user's answer to this question and pre-fill it the next time this field is displayed to them

Business units

Global fields are automatically available for events that are directly managed by your organization. If your organization also manages business units, you are able to selectively enable the field for only the business units that require that particular global field.

How to use a global field

When a field has been set up and configured it will appear as an option when a user is creating a registration form or survey. All global fields are found under the "Global" tab in the "Form Components" section of either the registration form builder or survey builder.

The field will automatically show up in events that are directly managed by the organization in which the field was created. If the organization in which the field was created has business units, you must toggle the switch for each of the business units in which it needs to be available.

Once a global field is accessible within an event, you can simply drag it from the form builder area to the form preview area.

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