The "Watch now" feature allows you to host multiple videos - recorded or live streamed - that are only accessible to registered users for a limited period of time. You are able to host a single video or multiple videos each associated with an individual session.
Host videos associated with sessions
Create one session for each video that you want to host. To do this, go to the Scheduling tab and then select the Session menu item. Click the "Add" button to create a session and fill in all relevant session details. Click here to learn more about adding sessions.
Note: If your event has a physical location, you will also need to set up at least one room and one venue. You can set up your venue(s) and room(s) on the Venues / Rooms screen under the Scheduling tab.
Add the session video URL
Click to select the session that you will be adding the "Watch now" functionality to. On the "Details" tab under the "Video" section, add the video URL that you want to host. This URL can link directly to the video feed, to a livestream, or webinar service such as Adobe Connect. Don't forget to click the "Save" button.
Repeat this step for each session that requires a video.
Note: The URL must be secure, meaning it must use the https:// protocol (rather than the http:// protocol).
Schedule your sessions
Next you will need to schedule your sessions, which you can do from the Scheduling tab and Session Slotter menu item. Click here to learn more about scheduling your sessions.
Add schedule to event site with the Session Schedule block
The last step to enabling the "Watch now" functionality for multiple sessions is adding a schedule/agenda to your event site and enabling the function. Go to the Website tab, select the Site Manager menu item, and select the page on which you want to add a schedule to.
From the Page Editor screen add a Session Schedule block or edit the block if it already exists. On the "Preferences" tab, ensure that the "Has watch now behavior after scheduling?" option toggled on. You are also able to further customize the "Watch now" options here.
How a user can access the video link
A user can access session video links by:
Registering for the event
Scheduling a session with a valid video link
Arriving at the schedule during the time the session has been scheduled
Selecting the "Watch now" button